Pain! (as Clubber Lang said in Rocky 3)
A good friend of mine did exactly that.
He found that he had hit a wall in his fitness training progress, and he needed help to get past that.
So he hired Mike … 200 pounds of pure muscle and an iron will.
On the very first day, he told him to make as many push-ups as he can do, up until he literally broke down.
So he did … and while he was fidgeting on the floor from exhaustion, like a fish out of water trying to catch its breath, Mike told him this:
“Now do a 100 more.”
And my friend obeyed … and did a 100 more.
It took a while and everything he had in him, but he did it.
It was a huge lesson for him:
You can go way beyond the point of thinking that you can’t continue anymore.
When you think that you will die after ONE more push-up, you CAN still do a 100 more.
I’m asking you today:
Are you willing to “take a 100 more” in your recovery?
Are you willing to get over your Ex once and for all and use this breakup to be a better YOU?
To have happier relationships in the future and live the life you were destined to live?
Let me lead you through your recovery, through the No-Contact Rule (you will do it!), through your self-discovery, through your re-building … up to making the final leap into a new relationship.
Is that something you want to do?